
Areas of Voronezh will be connected by electric trains

22 августа 2012
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/indpark_maslovskii.jpg) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/indpark_maslovskii.jpg\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

indpark maslovskiiAuthorities in Voronezh are planning to build a second rail road and provide electricity for a 239 km stretch to Maslovka.  This will allow for the connection of a series of the city's areas with one another and with the suburban regions.This was mentioned at a meeting with Alexey Gordeev, head of the region, and Vadim Morozov, the First Vice-President of RZD.

An electric train is a faster form of transportation, covering in just one hour what automobiles might take three hours to cover.  The importance of the new project is obvious:  It will help to free the city from some tense automobile movement, as well as help the delivery of passengers to the new railroad station.  Maslovsky industrial park will also be serviced with transportation as a result of the project, as well.  The cost of the project will be 368 million rub ($12.3 million), according to initial estimates.

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