
Metinvest Eurasia has purchased a large warehouse complex in Belgorod

21 августа 2012
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metinvestMetinvest Eurasia has acquired 85.21% of the shares of Belgorodmetallosnab, a large warehouse complex and transshipping scrap metal dealer in Belgorod.  The company already has more than 30 warehouses and metal dealers in various districts of Russia.The purchase and integration of Belgorodmetallosnab in the Metinvest group of companies is a strategically important step that will allow the company to qualitatively improve the service of Russian clients, optimize supply chains, and lesson logistics costs.

Yulia Popova, earlier the director of the Belgorod branch of Metinvest Eurasia, has become the general director of Belgorodmetallosnab.  Metinvest is an international group of companies working in the mining and metallurgy sector.  Metinvest supplies raw materials, liquid steel, and other semi-finished materials to a series of industrial enterprises in Russia, Ukraine, Europe, and Asia.

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