
Industrial parks in the Kaluzhsky region are accepting guests from Naberezhny Chelny

21 августа 2012
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vorsinoA delegation from Naberezhny Chelny has arrived to the Kaluzhsky region with an official visit, the purpose of which is to share experiences and visit the region's industrial parks.In Naberezhny Chelny at the current time an industrial park named Razvitie is being created on a territory of 11 ha, in which 18 residents should be located.  They are already preparing documents to begin construction.

Meanwhile the delegation from Naberezhny Chelny has visited Vorsino industrial park, where 26 residents are located, as well as Grabtevo industrial park and a learning center for improving the qualifications of employees for automobile manufacturing. After this a meeting was organized with the Corporation for Developing the Kaluga Region, at which representatives from the Ministry of Economic Development from the Kaluga Region and APP KO took part.  Questions regarding future cooperation between the cities for building industrial parks, developing entrepreneurship, and improving the investment climate were discussed.

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