
An office and warehouse complex will be built in Novy Moscow

20 августа 2012
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pictureApplications for developing Moscow's new territory are fully being accepted.  Filimonkovsky and Sosensky, rural towns in the Southwest of Moscow, are the most popular areas.  For now, only 14 of the 35 applications received since 1 July have been approved.The total area of approved projects equals 80,000 sq m.  This includes the construction of an office and warehouse complex, an administration building for Gazpromregiongaz, and a store for agricultural products.

Construction on Moscow's new territory will begin as soon as it receives official status.  Mogosstroinadzor, Moscow's construction regulator, has organized 19 application services in various areas of moscow in order to receive authorization documents quicker.  Simultaneously, 156 squatter settlements were identified in the Novy Moscow area.  Appeals to the appropriate district prosecutors are being prepared.

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