
Vorsino will receive 220 million rub ($7.3 million) from Srednerussky Bank

20 августа 2012
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vorsino1Srednerussky Bank, of Sberbank Russia, has approved a line of credit of 220 million rub ($7.3 million) over 7 years for Vorsino industrial park in the Kaluzhsky region.These resources will go towards financing the construction of canals and water-provision systems that will be completed as part of a project to develop the infrastructure of Vorsino.  Srednerussky Bank is giving credit to this industrial park already for the second time.

A credit agreement for 475 million rub ($15.8 million) was signed a year ago.  Vorsino industrial park functions on the border of Kaluzhsky and Mosow regions and sits on about 1,700 ha.  26 residents are registered in the industrial park currently, including such large manufacturers as Nestle Russia, Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga, L'Oreal, and others.  Srednerussky Bank handles financial operations in the Moscow, Kaluzhsky, Tulsky, Bryansky, Smolensky, Ryazansky, and Tversky regions.

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