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IREM prepares qualified real estate professionals

30 декабря 2013
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999Experts from IREM (Institute of Real Estate Management) addressed the questions of professional evaluation and operation of real estate properties, the best ways of selling or renting an office or an apartment, as well as some other questions, on their latest seminar. "Sklad-Management" staff attended the mentioned above seminar.

Real estate agents, owners and managers regularly come across these issues, while constantly changing real estate market requires acquisition of new knowledge and further training from the professionals.

IREM is a one of a kind institute that offers such possibilities. IREM professors are qualified practitioners, training professionals in over 20 countries of the world. Institute graduates maintain close collaboration, acquire information from their foreign colleagues, which allows them to make successful transactions, and, consequently, strengthens the company's presence on a global market.

Having taken the course, agents become qualified managers, which helps them to efficiently operate and sell real estate properties and make perspective investments after conducting a thorough risk analysis.

►More information about the conference, see the video:

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