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“Sklad-Management” on SeMAT 2013 exposition

30 декабря 2013
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526x297-w4IExpositions are great for acquiring new objective information and meeting reliable partners. So, this October "Sklad-Management" experts visited logistics conference SeMAT, where leading Russian and foreign companies presented their latest warehousing equipment, various technological and service solutions.

One of the conference participants was "Rocla Rus" LtD, a "Rocla" company subsidiary. "Rocla Rus" presented its traditional equipment.

"Rocla" is a Finnish company that has been manufacturing affordable high quality warehousing equipment for over 70 years. In addition, the company offers logistics consulting services in Russia.

The company demonstrated its new Rokla Humanic richtrack – a richtrack with over 2-ton load capacity, lifting freights up to 10 meters high. The richtrack has an independent mode feature, facilitating work with pallets from any perspective. The device is meticulously equipped with the latest technological advances.

►More information about the conference, see the video:

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