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Pedestrian modeling conference

30 декабря 2013
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23424In the end of October, "Sklad-Management" experts visited a specialized seminar "Modeling pedestrian traffic with AnyLogic".

They found Andrey Borschev's, CEO of the company, speech highly engaging from a practical standpoint. He paid his close attention to simulation modeling, as well as to the potential benefits of pedestrian modeling.

Experts from a variety of industries found this application very interesting.

For example, Dmitriy Lavrov, employee at an airline company, noted that the program can solve a lot of acute problems faced by airless. In particular, it can control pedestrian flow and facilitate boarding and unloading passengers.

Ekaterina Kulikova, associate professor at Moscow state university of Railway Engineering said that pedestrian modeling application could be very useful for students, because the university teaches such subjects as passenger depot and railway station servicing.

"ITC Consulting" CEO Yuriy Elizariev believes that collaboration with "AnyLogic" can be highly beneficial, as the company can not merely model already existing objects, but also the projected ones.

►More information about the conference, see the video:

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