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“Sklad-Management” on a presentation of a new book

30 декабря 2013
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c8dad5c8cca617faf44f4acef2ef0b25"Sklad-Management" experts often visit various expositions, seminars and conferences, as these events give an opportunity to find out new information, helping to improve company's methods and operation. In addition, industry events offer a chance to meet prospective clients.

This November "Sklad-Management" representatives visited a presentation of a new book "Warehouse as a competitive advantage". Jeroen van den Berg, a qualified warehousing expert from Netherlands, is the author of the book.

The event was organized by Axelot, a company issuing foreign literature in Russian. This year they presented second edition, which is why the company now operates the notion of "Axelot" special library.

The special thing about the book is that it's easy to get into, and you don't need to be an expert to read the book. Its starts with the basics, with the very foundations. The author uses experience of the leading companies and offers his reader best strategies, and even more importantly, an effective plan towards their implementation.

►More information about the conference, see the video:

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