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Moscow Realtor Association on residential real estate market

12 декабря 2013
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Logo mar"Sklad-Management" took part in "Residential real estate market 2013", an annual conference, hosted by Moscow Realtor Association.

The conference addressed real estate market situation in Moscow and other regions. Most experts believe that housing prices will remain stable, unchanged, with minimal price fluctuation.

It is too early to consider the possibility of a crisis, as Russian economy mostly depends on oil prices. Currently, the price is approximately 100 dollars per barrel, which is considered a normal price. Still, Marco economical influence on the market is notable.

Currently, small low-cost flats are in highest demand. The annual increase in prices is about 4-5%. Considering this, by 2020, the price will reach 246000 rubles per square meter in a new construction. Aftermarket price will be 214000 rubles per square meter. Such a situation will not be able to guarantee ROI for the construction projects, which is why developers will become less active and might even start seeking government support.

The participants of the conference came to a conclusion that overall situation on a real estate market is stable. That is why one can easily sell and purchase real estate property, as prices will unlikely spike.

►More information about the conference, see the video:

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