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Expo Real 2012

13 октября 2012
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DSC07220On the 4-6th October famous developers, investors, lawyers, architects took part in an international exposition EXPO REAL, dealing with commercial real estate, in Munich. It is at the same time world's biggest investment forum. The exposition took place for the 14th time already.

Alexander Khomitch and EvgeniyNumerov, "Sklad-Management" company executive officers, once again visited the Munich forum, where the best real estate objects in Russia, Europe, USA and Middle East are being displayed annually.

This time "Sklad-Management" displayed "Perspective" industrial park project. 14 residents already work on this industrial site and it has good potential for German investors and medium-sized enterprises.

EvgeniyNumerov, "Sklad-Management" managing director, noted a special atmosphere of the expositional business-site and a wide range of opportunities it offers.

"Here, you can get to know major trends of the global market, the acquisitions of best experts around the world, get acquaintedDSC07244 with potential partners and reach mutually beneficial agreements", Evgeniy says. " Currently, an opportunity to meet investors is highly significant and Munich exposition EXPO REAL offers lot of opportunities to do so".

Alexander Khomitch, "Sklad-Management" CEO, agrees with EvgeniyNumerov; however, he notes that this year there were fewer Russian companies – about 8-10.

"Forum business program was very rich and interesting, providing unique experience to communicate with leaders in the industry", says Alexander. He as well commented on positive trends in the local warehouse real estate market. According to him,

Moscow, along with London and Manchester, entered in the investment top-3 in the sphere of warehousing and manufacturing real estate business during the first 6 months of 2012. In comparison with the similar time frame during last year, investments grew up to 60%, constituting over 345 000 000 rubles total. At the same time, lease rates became stable and are expected to remain the same until December.

On average, they are as follows: 135$ per square meter in class A warehousing facility, and 120$ per square meter in class B facilities. High quality warehousing space deficiency is expected in Moscow and some other European cities. In the first turn, it concerns transport nodes of Baltic states, Belgium, Germany and Turkey. At the same time one should pay attention to the reduction of lease rates in Italy, Greece, Portugal. In 2013 lease rates in the capitals of Czech Republic, Poland, Turkey, Great Britain, Belgium, and in St. Petersburg as well.

DSC07230A range of conferences and discussions, dealing with relevant market problems and defining major trends, took place at the exposition. Russian experts actively discussed different aspects of investment prospects of Moscow warehouse projects, the development of the latter being constantly hindered by local building projects instability, absence of definite city limits and transportation problems.

Conference zone of St. Petersburg display stand became a site for even more interesting discussion- "New generation of industrial parks". In the course of this discussion, a necessity of new systematic approach to new industrial park construction has been pointed out, since their development currently aspires for the better. Some experts believe that the process is being slowed down by divergent interests of governmental structures and investors, as well as absence of a single elaborate conception.


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