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CeMat 2012

12 октября 2012
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On the 25-28 September another annual СEMAT exhibition took place in Crocus-Expo in Moscow. It introduced new warehouse technologies, offered a chance to meet local and foreign experts, and reach new business agreements. "Sklad-Management" company visited the exhibition and made several video reports on the display stands of participating companies.

EVS company from St. Petersburg exhibited its security developments, as well as its new warehouse equipment. Vacuum lifters were particularly spectacular. The company has over 20 years of experience and has a reliable reputation on the market of manufacturing, banking and warehouse equipment. Excellent technical background of the company allowed to EVS to prepare "key ready" warehouse complex facilities.

"Tsusho Toyota Technic ", a company with over 18 years of experience on the Russian market, surprised its audience with a warehouse lift truck simulator. It allowed to stage a wide range of real-life situations, typical for an average working day at a warehouse, and contributing to an idea that this company's equipment is indeed reliable and trustworthy.

Sidus company show cast its warehouse equipment, aimed at efficient storage of long-blade and oversize cargo. In addition, it offered a range of complex warehouse solutions. Sidus's active cooperation with major European manufacturers allows it to stay at the lead of warehouse equipment business.

Russian company "KS-loader" impressed СEMAT-2012 with an American narrow aisle forklift Bendi, designed to optimize useful facility area up to 30% by reducing distance between the aisles. This will help clients to save up to 800 000 dollars a year.

"Warehouse equipment" demonstrated the exhibition audience its new driverless trucks and Lema Engineering stackers (Poland), as well as German and Italian warehouse equipment. The company collaborates with the leading Russian manufacturers, which allows it to offer its clients the best equipment at an affordable price.

Linde Material Handling (Germany) demonstrated new forklifts of its own manufacture, characterized by increased ergonomic efficiency and smoothness of movement. These trucks are electronically-controlled. The simplicity of operation and millimeter accuracy of the forklift make this loader truck a truly exclusive product.

"Sklad-Management" company expresses its gratitude to the exhibiting companies. We are thankful for your interesting stories of new developments as well for a chance to video report the event. We are looking forward to new expositions at СEMAT-2013 and hope for new cooperation opportunities.


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