
Dega Group in the Russian real estate market

25 октября 2012
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epcThe interest of Dega Group in the Russian real estate market is not accidental. During the last years, many foreign investors and companies have been attracted to the environs of Moscow, as well as other, far-away regions of Russia. This interest can be explained by relatively low lease and purchase rates, as well as Russia's attractive position on the crossroads of trade routes from south to north, east and west. Presently, Russia in the only country linking Western and Eastern countries, that is why the amount of industrial parks and logistics complexes on its territory is expected to grow. By 2010, the amount of Russian industrial parks has been increased up to 15%, and the growth ratio has been constantly increasing during the following years.

Dega Group was one of the first foreign companies to declare its interest in the Russian real estate market. At the moment, Dega Group can boast a number of successful industrial park projects, implemented in the Moscow region. The company deals with the construction of a turnkey projects, fully customized to the client's needs. Dega Group subdivides its services into three distinct stages, including development, construction and management.

During the development stage, Dega Group offers its clients consulting advice on choosing the relevant site for the construction. Professional experts will analyze the infrastructure, taxing policy of the region, as well as utility services, such as water, telecommunications, sewerage, heating, etc. With a proper combination of the mentioned above factors, you and your consulting managers will be able to choose the best site for your industrial or manufacturing complex. Dega Group is equally efficient in restoring the old facilities, as well as in constructing new ones.

Dega Group guarantees to finish any construction within 20 month after signing the contract. If you take a look at the company's previous projects, you will see that 20 months is indeed the most pessimistic estimate, while in reality Dega Group manages to finish its projects much quicker. For instance, it took the company only 56 weeks to build a 40 000 sq.m. logistics center "Metro". In spite short terms of its construction stages, Dega Group provides its clients with excellent turnkey solutions, matching their clients' needs.

Finally, the management stage includes professional advice in obtaining permits, developing the infrastructure and launching your facility in the operation. Dega Group's experience in the Russian market is already impressive, serving as a warranty of high quality and customer-oriented service.

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