
Kaluga Region Development Corporation

02 октября 2012
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korporaciya razvitiyaKaluga Region Development Corporation (KRDC) is a state accredited organization, providing a unique tool for creating and developing industrial parks in the region, as well as for infrastructural investing projects.

Corporation's concepts of operation were established in 2008. Corporation management team includes the region's chief executives.

The corporation participates in the registered capitals of the Kaluga mortgage corporation, Vorsino industrial park, Grabcevo techno park, Kaluga international airport and others. In 2012 the Corporation became an owner of the Kaluga water canal, LtD.

KRDC deals with preparing sites for industrial parks, as well as with the creation of engineering and logistics infrastructure. In addition, the Corporation assists in building of warehouse and manufacturing facilities in the prepared areas.

The Corporation's important aspects include legal advisory services in the funding area, serving as a warranty of investment success.

To set one's manufacture in one of the Kaluga region industrial parks, a potential investor has to send an application using the standard pro-forma directly to the Corporation (you can download application pro-forma on the KRDC website). The corporation considers your application and prepares the project of an investing contract, displaying the following aspects:

  • Step by step investing project sell-by dates
  • Number of jobs the projects opens
  • Funding amount
  • Options for providing a site with utility lines
  • Commission procedures of the facilities and engineering infrastructure
  • Terms and conditions for the investor to become a land owner

After investment contract design approval, it is signed by three following parties: investor, corporation and Kaluga region government. Investor's concern for setting his manufacture in one of the industrial parks should be represented by a legal body, registered in the in the appropriate municipal unity of the Kaluga region.

With the help of the Corporation, Kaluga region now includes manufacture sites of several huge automobile corporate groups, such as Volkswagen AG, Volvo Truck Corporation, PSA Peugeot Citroën и Mitsubishi Motors Corporation. We can now speak of having established an automobile cluster in the Kaluga region.

The Corporation advocates a fair investment strategy, tries to attract investors in the commercial and residential property area, find new labor force and increase their life level, seeks new opportunities for setting new sites in the industrial parks.
In the context of economic crisis the Corporation activity made an important contribution. The Corporation managed to find funds for the industrial parks development, several investors acknowledged their investment commitments, new investors are constantly developing interest in the project. Industrial output in the region never stopped growing.

KRDC partners include Vnesheconombank, custom warehouse complex "Taskom", Kaluga region capital construction management, Russian-German enterprise "Avtoban", bank "Elita", Kaluga regional gas management, as well as other organizations.

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